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Engage your people and boost your business!

Our modular programme specifically developed for tech companies to transform your organisation and drive business performance through your people. Working with you to deliver long lasting results, strengthen your leadership and build great teams. 

We’ll come in and do a ‘discovery’ with you

we’ll find out about your employee turnover, your sickness levels, your engagement levels so we can begin to understand what you’re doing well and what we can work on with you to improve.

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Management training and leadership development programme

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The journey to success typically looks like this...

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360 feedback for the leadership team

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Employee engagement audit

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Management development

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1 day workshop - Working together as a leadership team

The discovery phase

During our audit we’ll take time to understand your business, what works, what doesn’t and what solutions will have the most impact.

You can arrange to take modules as and when you need, or you can choose our 6-month accelerator programme.

Contact us for a free initial consultation>

MODULE 1 Employee Engagement Audit

The Employee Engagement Audit will provide a clear picture of your business. In a highly engaged workforce you’ll see that your people are giving their all. They will be passionate and committed and will feel a part of your business success.

We’ll speak to the leadership team, finding out where you’re going and what you need your people to do to get there. 

Then we’ll speak to your employees to find out what they think:

• Are they engaged?

• What are you doing well?

• What do you need to be doing better?

• What do they think of your company as a place to work?

• Does the current culture provide a climate for people to flourish?

The engagement audit will result in some quick wins and some longer-term plans.

It’s the start of the journey to make sure you have the right foundations to launch

your business to the next level.


“a recent Salesforce report found that Employees who feel their voice is heard are 4.6 times more likely to feel empowered to perform their best work”

MODULE 2 Leadership Feedback

Our 360° feedback will help you to maximise your potential as a leader. In a leadership role, we don’t often get the time to step back and look at how we achieve results, which makes it difficult to know how we’re doing and if we are bringing our people along with us.


“If you want to drive great business results, you need to make sure that you are being the best leader that you can be.”

Our 360 review will ask others to let you know what you are amazing at and what you might need to improve. 

We’ll help you to understand the feedback, identify the most important points and to put together practical actions and next steps focused on your personal growth.

MODULE 3 Working Together as a Winning Leadership Team (1 day workshop)

We will encourage you to consider the culture that you currently promote and make sure that it supports how you want and expect others to behave. We will look at the results of your engagement audits and your 360 review and help you to take actions based on the feedback, proving to your people that you value their input. As a leadership team you will have clearer direction and you will know that the team behaviours and values that filter through your organisation are the right ones.

“42% employees feel that their leadership does not contribute to a positive company culture – Office vibe survey”

Your leadership workshop will help youto decide what great leadership looks like in your business.  We’ll help you to come together as a cohesive team, set the direction and role model the behaviours that will drive the team forward. 

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MODULE 4 Developing your Managers

If 70% of engagement levels are driven by managers, we need to make sure that your business has great managers. We’ll look at everything we’ve learned about your organisation, how the people feel and how your leadership team wants to develop the business.   The ONGOING programme that we create for your managers will be focused on delivering the right management behaviours and skills to support your vision of the future.  

A recent study by shows that over half of managers said they didn’t receive any management training and a Harvard Business Review survey reveals that 58 percent of people trust strangers, while only 42 percent trust their boss.

We’ll support your managers in identifying the type of manager that they need to be, they will develop the skills to work with and engage with their teams and we’ll

give them practical tools to help build high performance throughout the business.  

You’ll see the results in the confidence of your managers, as well as the motivation and engagement of your people.

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"For the first time, I really feel like I know what to do" Helen, People Manager

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