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Introduction to Management

Understanding how to behave to be seen as a manager, how to communicate with your staff and how to develop, encourage or feedback to your team, are all challenges facing any manager of people and key things that need to be done right. This is an ideal course for aspiring leaders and new managers.

Introduction to Management
Introduction to Management

Course time/location

You choose when, where and delivery

method: in person/virtual/e-learning

About the course

Studies have shown that managers are the single biggest driver in engagement - or disengagement. When you consider the sheer number of daily interactions a manager has with their team, it’s easy to see why. You can be doing everything else right in terms of engagement, but if your managers aren’t behaving in a way they should, you’re scuppered. Understanding how to behave to be seen as a manager, how to communicate with your staff and how to develop, encourage or feedback to your team, are all challenges facing any manager of people and key things that need to be done right.

Delegates on this course will identify key leadership skills and characteristics, which will help them to create their own image of a successful manager. They will then learn a simple managerial theory to help demystify the role of managing others, which they will have the opportunity to pu…

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