Effective Communication
In today’s fast paced world there are increasing amounts of communication that take place across a PC, rather than face to face. With all of this practice, how is it that communication so often goes wrong? This is an ideal course for leaders, managers and employees.
Course time/location
You choose when, where & the delivery
method: in-person/virtual/e-learning
About the course
We are in a constant state of communication with those around us, whether it be via our voice, our body language or our written communication. In today’s fast paced world there are increasing amounts of communication that take place across a PC, rather than face to face. With all of this practice, how is it that communication so often goes wrong?
On this course, delegates will examine their own communication style, how other people’s styles differ and so why communication is sometimes misunderstood. Delegates will examine how to really listen to another person, and how to show that they are listening and attentive, learning how to encourage others to communicate with them.
This course will equip delegates with the necessary skills to avoid common pitfalls and bring clarity to their communication, both spoken and written.
What will delegates learn?
Understand the pitfalls of communication – why and how do thing…